Make AltMass More Secure With Self Verification

What is identity verification?
The identity verification process verifies the identities of contractors providing services on AltMass. It helps employers identify trustworthy contractors and gives contractors with no history of operating on AltMass the opportunity to gain the trust of employers. Identity verification helps create transparency on the platform and build trusting relationships.
We encourage employers to verify the identity of contractors without a work history on AltMass. We recommend that contractors with no commercial history verify their profiles to increase their chances of being hired.
How are contractors recognized on AltMass? Contractors can verify their profile on AltMass by providing their ID and credit card information. We will review the comments and if all checks are completed, we will notify the Contractor within two business days that the comments have been verified. If we need a Contractor to complete their IDV, we may hold all transactions until their identity is fully verified.
How are contractors recognized on AltMass?
Contractors can verify their profile on AltMass by providing their ID and credit card information. We will review the comments and if all checks are completed, we will notify the Contractor within two business days that the comments have been verified.
If we need a Contractor to complete their IDV, we may hold all transactions until their identity is fully verified.
1. Personal identification documents